Photos from the field 2007 by Michal Polakowski

1) Fiskgjuse (Pandion haliaetus) One from residental Ospreys

2) Gråtrut (Larus argentatus) Gulls patrol the shore every day, Herring Gull

3) Ormvråk (Buteo buteo) Migration of birds of pray has started…Common Buzzard

4) Sädesärla (Motacilla alba) White Wegtails  has been just starting migration

5) Birds are counted nearly every day. Håkan Axelsson (sitting) and Michał Polakowski (standing)

6) Havstrut (Larus marinus) The biggest European Gull - Black-backed

7) Kustsnäppa (Calidris canutus) Visitor from far North-Red Knot

8) Kustsnäppa (Calidris canutus)

9) Strandskata (Haematopus ostralegus) Rare migrant in Hammarö Fågelstation area – Ostrycatcher

10) Strandskator (Haematopus ostralegus)

11) Strandskata (Haematopus ostralegus)

12) Sparvhök (Accipiter nisus) Sparrowhawks migrate this autumn pretty good

13) Lärkfalk (Falco subbuteo) Hobby

14) Stjärtmes (Aegithalos caudatus) Long Tailed Tit

15) Stjärtmes (Aegithalos caudatus)

14) Skrattmås, (Larus ridibundus)  Not so many Black–headed Gulls used to be seen in HFS area

15) Ängspiplärka (Anthus pratensis)

16) Lappsparv (Calcarius lapponicus) Lapland Bunting is a rare migrant in Hammarö Fågelstation area

17) Lappsparv (Calcarius lapponicus) Lapland Bunting

18) Tofsmes (Parus cristatus) A lot of birds feed in the feeding place near the station.

19) Tretåig hackspett (Picoides tridactylus) Three - toed Woodpeckers are recorded nearly every day

20) Havsörn (Haliaeetus albicilla) Only a few White - tailed Eagles have been migrating so far.

21) Stjärtmes Aegithalos caudatus) Many Long – tailed Tits have already arrived

22) Tretåig hackspett (Picoides tridactylus) An invasion of Three - toed Woodpeckers continue…

23) Tretåig hackspett (Picoides tridactylus)

23) Sparvuggla )Glaucidium passerinum) You can sometimes see Pygmy Owls also in the middle of the day.

24) Tretåig hackspett (Picoides tridactylus) There are still many Three – toed Woodpeckers seen in the terrain.

25) Fjällvråk (Buteo lagopus) Not many birds of pray have been migrating in Hammarö Fågelstation area this season. Some Rough – legged Buzzards, have been observed lately.