Photos from the ringing 2007 mostly by Michal Polakowski

1) Göktyta Strange woodpecker,
3 Wrynecks (Jynx torquilla) have been ringed so far

2) Sparvhök Small killer, Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus) …

3)… and his bigger brother, Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis)

4) Duvhök (Accipiter gentilis) These claws look dangerous, Goshawk

5) Lövsångare (Phylloscopus trochilus) Crossbill Warbler, Willow Warbler

Gulärla (Motacilla flava thunbergi), Yellow Wagtail

7) Kustsnäppa (Calidris canutus) First Red Knot ringed at for Hammarö Fågelstation

8) Blåhake (Luscinia svecica) Only 1 Bluethroat has been trapped

9) Tretåig hackspett (Picoides tridactylus)
Three-toad Woodpecker does not get to the nets often

10) Tretåig hackspett (Picoides tridactylus)

11) Stenskvätta (Oenanthe oenanthe)
A few Wheathers are ringed at Hammarö Fågelst. every year

12) Sävsångare (Acrocephalus scoenobaenus)
Rare autumn migrant at HFS area-Sedge Warbler

13) Sparvuggla (Glaucidium passerinum)
First Pygmy Owls have just arrived

14) Ängspiplärka (Anthus pratensis)

15) Pärluggla (Aegolius funereus) First Tangmalm’s Owl  has been ringed

15) Pärluggla (Aegolius funereus) Tangmalm’s Owl

16) Gråspett (Picus canus) Grey – headed Woodpecker is trapped and marked here very rare

17) Fågelstationens dag 23/9 "Visiting day of the Year" Show by Björn Ehrenroth

18) Fågelstationens dag 23/9 "Visiting day of the Year" Many birds have been ringed during this day.

19) Härmsångare (Hippolais icterina) Very late record of Icterine Warbler from the end of September

20) Tretåig hackspett (Picoides tridactylus) Second Three – toed Woodpecker has been ringed

21) Varfågel (Lanius excubitor) The first Great – grey Shrike, Lanius excubitor has been ringed

21) Pärluggla (Aegolius funereus) Only 2 Tangmalm’s Owls have been ringed so far

22) Gråsiska  (Carduelis flammea) Very few Redpols have been trapped so far

23) Kattuggla (Strix aluco) Second every Towny Owl has been ringed

24) Kattuggla (Strix aluco) Third Towny Owl has been ringed

25) Vinterhämpling (Carduelis flavirostris) First Twite has been trapped.